What is the rate limit for the /users Management API for enterprise subscription

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The rate limit doc does not mention the limit for /users endpoint in the Management API.

How do I get this information? I am trying to set a user.metadata for a group of users but there doesn’t seem to be a bulk update endpoint ether so I rely on the rate limit here.

Hi @anu.sankar

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

In the documentation you have linked, you have the following limits stated at the very top of the Enterprise Management API table:

Tenant Environment Burst Request Limit Sustained Request Limit
Production 50 16/second
Non-production 10 2/second

Meaning that, for any other endpoint besides the ones in the list, you have for Non-Production tenant a rate limit of 2 calls/second up to bursts of 10 calls/second. This limit is increased for production tenants, limits being 16 calls/second up to bursts of 50 calls/second.

This total number of calls allowed per minute would be 100/minute for Non-Production and 1000/minute for Production.

Depending on the agreement and your requirements, you might have increased limits for the endpoints not specified in the list.

You can read more about Burst Limits Policy here.

The other endpoints have custom rate limits applied to them.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a reply!

Kind Regards,