Management API Rate Limit: "The current_user* Scope Limit has Been Reached"


This article describes the special Management API rate limit applied when an end-user hits the API with the below scopes.

  • update:current_user_metadata
  • read: current_user
  • delete:current_user

Given the tenant is hosted under an Enterprise Public environment and has the Production tag, the server applies the 10 requests per minute rate limit, which is lower than the global rate limit.

  • The current_user* scope limit
    • 10 requests per minute per user_id (This is the burst and sustained rate limit)
  • The global rate limit
    • Burst: 50 requests per second / Sustained: 16 requests per second

Applies To

  • Management API
  • Rate Limits


Search for the tenant logs using the filter “type: api_limit” and review the logs found.

If a log with the description "The current_user scope limit has been reached* " exists, it means that an end-user hits the Management API more than ten times in one minute.

The end-user can wait for a while and retry so the server will accept the request.