Verification Emails not being sent

Hi there,
Our verification emails are not being sent.

We have Mailgun configured as our SMTP email provider. Hitting ‘Send Test Email’ works and I can see the email in Auth0 and Mailgun logs and receive the email in my inbox.
However, when sending verification emails, I can see the event successfully in the Auth0 logs (‘Success Verification Email Request’) but it does not seem to get as far as Mailgun.
This was working fine until a few days ago, but we have noticed it recently for one of our clients, and now testing for our own users we are experiencing the same issue.
Please advise what I should do here.

Not sure if it’s related but we have four new users who are not getting password reset emails from Auth0. It’s pretty frustrating.

Turned out to be user error on my part; we had disabled verification emails (but could still send from the user management panel, which then appeared as an item in the logs, though nothing happened).

We use email branding i.e. send emails from a support address at our main domain. One issue we have had with this is spam filters catching the password change emails. I was able to track them all the way through from Auth0, through our email provider (Mailgun) and see that they were sent.

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