User Not Showing In Dashboard

I have logged out, and logged back in. Now I am seeing the following error:
Network error, please try again.
And the users are not being found.
I also am receiving an error above the search, which keeps repeating:
“There was an error. Please try again.”
I have attached a screenshot.![alt text][1]


This just started happening to me. I uploaded 12 users, through the “User Import/Export Tool” and it ran with no errors. But when I try to look for any of the new users, they are not showing up in the user list. I then tried to create one of the users manually, but was told that user already exists. This just started happening this morning. How can I get this working?

Thanks, Dina

Same problem here. We were able to find the user using it user ID in the extension dashboard (after created it manually) but not in the list…

@dina.kovar check my answer for further information on this.

@dina.kovar, see jmangelo’s answer above regarding the current situation with user indexing, and the link to the incident status page.

Thanks, I saw that after I posted. I signed up for notifications from the incident page.