Unknown Tenants in Private Cloud Instance

Problem statement

Some unknown tenant names appear in the “Affected tenant” dropdown menu when creating a new support ticket in the Support Center for the Private Cloud Instance. Who created these tenants?


There are a few tenants created by Auth0 for testing and maintenance purposes in Private Cloud instances. Some names chosen for tenants with this purpose are the following:

  • the "generated-tenant-{number}" tenants have been used in the past by Auth0 to run some automated functional tests against private cloud deployments. These now have been replaced by a "functionaltests-ci" tenant.
  • “Config” and "RTA". Both are managed by Auth0 and are used as a base for the space(s). RTA - The Root Tenant Authority is a special tenant to which Auth0 has access in order to perform administrative tasks when needed.


Tenants having the names mentioned above are only accessible to the Auth0 staff and should not be deleted, as they help to maintain those environments.