Unblock link in Account blocked email not working when used with organizations

I’m testing the brute force protection feature and noticed that the unblock link in Account blocked email does not work showing the error message connection is disabled (client_id: xxxxx - connection: xxxxx). I guess this is because my application have the organization feature enabled. The unblock link does work for another application that has the organization feature disabled.
So, am I correct that the unblock link is not supported when you enable organizations for the application?

I figured it out myself. I needed to enable the connection, not just for organization, but also for the application. But I thought that when you use organizations, you just need to enable connections at the organization level. In fact, the link in Change Password email works without enabling the connection at the application level. Am I missing something?

I have confirmed with Auth0 that this is a bug on Auth0’s side and they don’t have an ETA on when it will be fixed.

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