Unable to upgrade subscription

I’ve been trying to upgrade to the essentials package on auth0 for the past two days on two different accounts, but each time I click upgrade, and upgrade now, then wait 2 hours, I still don’t have access to the custom domain features I need. I have already been charged but have not received the upgrade to my account. What are the next steps I should take?

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I have exactly the same issue. Very frustrating when there’s no proper way to get in touch with support without a paid plan


Thank you for raising this topic @gt2960, and @emil.k.intern for your post.

I believe this situation could be caused by “Trial”/“Starter” subscription, that is given to new Auth0 tenants for 14 days. If you upgrade your subscription from Trial/Starter to a paid Auth0 subscription, your credit card should be charged as soon as your trial period ends, and not before, so I’m a little surprised reading that user @gt2960 got already charged, but the subscription does not seem to be applied.

Based on above information, if you would like us to end your trial subscription earlier (in order to start your paid Auth0 subscription earlier), please DM me with your tenant names and confirmation, that we should cancel your trial subscriptions.

Best regards,