Unable to redirect to returnTo URL that has been configured in Applications dashboard


I’m trying to redirect to https://staging.coreillumination.com from my logout URL:


The URL has been configured in the Allowed Logout URLs field in the Application settings dashbaord. The error message is:

The “returnTo” querystring parameter “https://staging.coreillumination.com” is not defined as a valid URL in “Allowed Logout URLs”. To add a new URL, please do it here: https://manage.auth0.com/#/account/advanced

TRACKING ID: e1569a92cba647cb32dc

Could you please shed some light on what’s going on?

Many thanks


Hi @bensullivan ,
I had the same issue .
Then after some research, I added the allowed logout URL ( where you want the user to land if he/she has pressed the logout button.) in the Auth0-dashboard → Applications → Your Applcation → “Allowed Logout URLs” , here add the “https://staging.coreillumination.com” .

Also in Auth.js ( if you are using React-JS , otherwise the Auth0-config file )provide the logout method “returnTo” .
returnTo: https://staging.coreillumination.com

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Thanks a lot for sharing it with the rest of community @adb!

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