Tenant change verification Email not recived

I am trying to add a Tenant Email or change my main Auth0 account email. We have recently changed email provider to google, but email adress is exactly the same. To add or change a tenant email auth0 requires us to confirm our email and that email never reaches our inbox at help@andesdocs.com. Is there anything we can do?

Hi @ngaggini,

I recommend following this knowledge solution on changing your tenant ownership.

Because you have a non-unique email address, you might need to create a dummy email address to temporarily be assigned as the admin and then re-assign the admin back to your preferred email address.

Let me know if you have any issues with this.


Problem is i don’t get the verification email. It says verification email sent correctly, and i don’t get that email, so i can’t even get started. Im on the Essentials subscription. We need help on this somehow.

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Hi @ngaggini,

Thanks for the update.

I have not been able to find any tenants associated with the email address you used to create your Auth0 Community account.

Could you please send me a direct message with your tenant’s name and the email address you used for them?
