Signup Password Prompt has an Unexpected Go Back Button on the New Universal Login Page


The signup password prompt has an unexpected return or Go back button on the new universal login page.

On another tenant with similar settings, the “Already have an account?” text with a link to the Login page is displayed.


The difference is caused by the "New Attributes " configuration in the Attributes tab. If this feature is enabled, the Go back button is shown instead of the Login link.


From the Auth0 dashboard, it is not possible to revert the feature once it is enabled. However, using the Management API, it is possible to disable the new attributes by removing the attributes object within the options object. Disabling the feature helps to revert the widget to display the text “Already have an account?” with a link to the Login page on the signup page.

Steps to revert the feature:

  1. Retrieve the connection settings with the Get a Connection management API.

Sample response

  "id": "con_CONNECTION_ID",
  "options": {
    "mfa": {
      "active": true,
      "return_enroll_settings": true
    "attributes": {
      "email": {
        "signup": {
          "status": "required",
          "verification": {
            "active": true
        "identifier": {
          "active": true
        "profile_required": true
    "enabledDatabaseCustomization": false,
  "strategy": "auth0",
  "name": "Username-Password-Authentication",
  1. Generate a payload that includes the complete Options object except the attributes section

Sample payload

  "options": {
    "mfa": {
      "active": true,
      "return_enroll_settings": true
    "enabledDatabaseCustomization": false, 
  1. Update the connection with the payload in step two using the Update a Connection management API.