Reset Password link not functional on invite sign in page

We are having an issue when a user is invited to a organization B but is already a member of organization A. When they accept their invitation, they have to sign in and use their existing email and password to login but if they request to reset their password no email is being sent out.

More detail here: Reset password not sending email when user is coming from an invitation link

if you look at the logs in Auth0, the error that is shown is the following:

User does not exist or user is not part of organization

Auth0 is blocking the email because the user does not belong to the Organization that they are being invited to. This does not make sense because the user’s password is independent from any Organization they belong to because their password can be used to successfully login in to both Organizations.

This email should be sent out regardless as if it was from the original sign in page.

Appreciate any guidance on this.