Redirect to a different page

Hi, I’m new with auth0, and I’m feeling very lost.
I had a project where I was using auth0 login on a single page application, now I added a landing page and I want to fire the login from the landing page and redirect the user to the map page ( localhost:300/map)
I have both urls on every list that is able to Allow urls :rofl:
But when I try to establish the redirect url as the string “localhost:300/map” on the AuthProvider my app is unable to login
I have the following error:

Oops! something went wrong
Callback URL mismatch
the provided redirect_uri is not in the list of allowed callback URLs

The URL is in every place allowed – URLs is in the application settings page… so I don’t understand…
could somebody help me please :pray: :pray:

Hi @stephanie036 ,
It sounds like you are almost there,
Please can I suggest checking what you have configured in your application for the redirect_uri If you had followed one of our quickstarts, you may find this set as
redirect_uri: window.location.origin and will want to also change this to redirect_uri: "http://localhost:300/map"
If this redirect_uri now matches the allowed callback URL, found in your Application > Application URIs the login and redirect should be successful.

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Hi Nathan, Thank you for taking the time to help me

I did exactly that…
and I got the error I described before:

Oops! something went wrong
Callback URL mismatch
the provided redirect_uri is not in the list of allowed callback URLs

I do have that url on the allowed callbacks…

That’s why I was asking for help…
I don’t know what I’m missing, please help :pray: