React-native Sign in with Apple - Looks like something went wrong!

I 'm having troubles implementing apple sign in. I don’t get anything more than the attached screenshot. The safari console logs [Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) (callback, line 0)

My authorize snippet is as follows:

await authorize({
      connection: 'apple',
      scope: env.get().AUTH0_SCOPE,
      audience: env.get().AUTH0_AUDIENCE,

Please help.

new info attached: when I click on try the connection in the auth0 dashboard, I get this message:

  "error": "access_denied",
  "error_description": "error creating the account"

Isolated the error and fixed it. But it is still not working. Auth0 complains that the redirect_uri is not valid yet everything seems correctly configured. Current call:

await authorize({
connection: ‘apple’,
scope: env.get().AUTH0_SCOPE,
audience: env.get().AUTH0_AUDIENCE,
redirect_uri: ‘https://OUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN/login/callback’,

If I leave the redirect_uri blank (as is in other social logins), it will complain that there is no redirect_uri. If I specify it with one of the allowed callback urls configured at the dashboard, it will complain that it is not in the valid callback url list

Hi @rafael.rodriguez,

Can you please confirm if the error is coming from Auth0 or Apple?

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