Hi there!
Im trying to setup apple auth for auth 0
When im pressing test connection i receive error
Invalid web redirect url.
Hi there!
Im trying to setup apple auth for auth 0
When im pressing test connection i receive error
Invalid web redirect url.
Did you ever resolve this? I am having the same issue, and I think it has something to do with the callback url I provided apple, but the documentation is not clear on what should be provided.
I figured it out:
The callback url is : https://{AuthDomain}/login/callback.
You need to make sure that in service you specify this callback for apple to accept it.
Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community!
What service do you refer to? Where can I find that so that I can specify the callback?
When setting up social sign on for apple, you need to set up Single Sign on from your apple developer account, which requires setting up the app & service identifiers + a key.
This link walks you through the process for setting up the apple social connection.
Critically, when you get to the the step where you set up the “Sign In With Apple” Configuration for the Service Identifier you created, you need to put in two values:
The (1) Domain / Subdomain should be something like:
What I referred to above is the Return URL. I mistakenly was putting in my return urls for mobile that followed this format:
Doing the above for both IOS / Android, resulted in the invalid_request error. I don’t know where, may have been the logs, I discovered that it needed to be:
ex: https://dev-6grfaf8yl20x0nrn.us.auth0.com/login/callback
Updating the callback URL for the service fixed the sign in problem via Apple for me.
How about if we use the dev auth0 account for apple? Does it work?
Not sure…
Did a callback url in the below format not work then?
Also what are your logs saying?
Had the same problem and it worked for me flawlessly. Thank you very much, was stuck on this issue for a while now.
This is the actual answer to the question. If you get this error check here after you have verified everything else. And please please Auth0 update the docs. SMH.