Apple Sign in return url for sign ID

Hi I am relatively new to this and try to add apple sign in since we are adopting the auth0 now for our app, which is requested by apple review.

I do not quite understand what is the return url (call back url) for sign id when I follow the tutorials. I tried to compare this with the allowed return url in app with format {BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}://{YOUR_DOMAIN}/ios/{BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}/callback which isn’t starting with https. it will always fall back to apple page with invalid redirect url

so i tried to implement natively with exchange the token which works as long as i enable the apple login social connection for my app. but i also have to keep the browser login which always show another apple login button that is not working since i enabled the social connection. is there a way I can enable apple login natively but not on browser?

thank you for answering my two questions here.