Prevent Duplicate "Open With" Modal When Authenticating via Google Sign-In


We observe an unexpected behavior upon authenticating through Google sign-in. Upon completing the sign-in process successfully, the system presents the user with an “Open With” modal featuring our app twice. How do we eliminate the redundancy and display only a single instance? Thank you!

React Native version 0.63.5
react-native-auth0: 2.11.0-2.15.0

happens on Android 14


In order to reproduce the issue, here are the steps to follow:

Begin navigating inside the application, triggering the need to authenticate the user.
Attempt to authenticate using the webAuth.authorize(…) method along with valid credentials.
At this point, the user will be redirected to Chrome for initiating the authentication process.
Following a successful authentication attempt, the user encounters an “Open With” dialog box listing the application twice.
A screenshot has been included in the GitHub repository showcasing this problem: <>

The main concern lies in preventing the appearance of the duplicated “Open With” modal, restricting it to just a single occurrence. Thanks for considering this issue!

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react-native-auth0 version


React Native version


Expo version

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Platform version(s)


Hey there @orel.a welcome to the community!

Do you experience this issue if you’re to upgrade to the latest version of react-native-auth0? I do remember this issue cropping up in the past, but I believe it has been resolved in subsequent releases.

Yes i do experience this issue even after upgrading to the latest version that is capable with react native v0.63.5

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