Passwordless Connections test email not sending

Im trying to test out the passwordless connection feature (email) but the email codes arent sending out. Im not using a custom mail provider, just using auth0 as i just wasn’t to test the functionality

  • Disable sign ups is turned off
  • Universal login also turned off
  • Application is enabled
  • I have kept most setting as default

Hi @joe8,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

After reviewing your email branding settings in your dev tenant, I noticed that you are using a custom email provider. This setting is enabled and configured.

Checking your tenant logs, I can confirm that I see successful “Code/Link sent” (cls) logs. Whenever a custom email provider is configured, Auth0 will only verify if the Code/Link sent event was triggered from Auth0’s side, and in the logs, it confirmed so. At this point, your configured SendGrid email provider will manage sending the email, which means Auth0 has no visibility or control over sending the emails.

Because of this, you will have to navigate to your SendGrid dashboard and view the email activity feed to troubleshoot your email communications.

One thing worth retrying is to disable the custom email provider to test the functionality as you were intending to do.

Please let me know this goes for you.


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