Organization membership pagination bug in web console interface

Feature: Organization membership pagination bug in web console interface

Description: The application that my company has integrated with Auth0 makes extensive use of the organizations feature. When using the web console interface for a production tenant, the organization membership view has a paginated list of members. For an organization that has over 1000 pages of members, when you attempt to click to go to a page above 1000, the interface becomes unusable due to a bug present in the pagination of your (as in Auth0’s) application’s interface. This error is rendered in a toast notification:

Error! Query Validation Error: 'Value 9525 is greater than maximum 1000' on property page (Page index of the results to return. First page is 0).

I opened a support ticket with Auth0 to report this, but was directed to give this as product feedback.

As an initial piece of feedback, I would suggest that the error in the UI to be more human friendly messaging. If the UI currently does not support paginating past the 1000th page, then message to use the managment API directly to get the membership past that page.


For further feedback, however, I would suggest that the organization membership list view be built out to actually support pagination. We have learned recently that there is a soft membership quota limit of 100,000 members, which means that the organization membership easily can be greater than a 1000 when the default page number is 10 (which the Auth0 user interface is showing and 1000*10 is 10,000).

In addition, some basic list functionality would be appreciated:

  • sorts
  • filters
  • search
  • total membership count

Sorts, filters, and search would be useful by team members who are not engineers, particularly a support team member for our company. For example, imagine we need to determine if an organization member correctly has a role applied because we’re getting a bug report related to role based functionality. Right now, that support team member would not be able to easily find that organization member using the Auth0 interface and would have to ask for help from an engineer.

Hi @sarah.allen,

Thank you for your detailed feedback request!

Please don’t forget to upvote this feedback so we can prioritize its implementation based on the highest votes!
