I have tried to read through many of the related posts but it seems like I am missing something basic. Btw sorry about string tags but it seems buggy to search for any tags. I could not find the ones that I see others are using.
I am trying to do an invitation process where I am using the password reset API to trigger an invitation e-mail to the user using the c# sdk like this:
string? result = await client.ChangePasswordAsync(new ChangePasswordRequest
ClientId = _auth0BIDefaultAppClientId,
Connection = "Username-Password-Authentication",
Email = email
This works fine and the user receives the e-mail.
However I cannot the the redirect for the custom e-mail to work. This is my Redirect To field:
{{ application.callback_domain | default: “MyAppUrl” }}/result_page
I have setup the the Application Login Url on the settings for my application.
But after the user have changed the password it always just get the Auth0 page saying Success.
It feels like I am missing something fundamental in the process. I would expect that I would be redirected to my page after they have entered a correct new password? But maybe I am incorrect about this?