Need to reset MFA

Hi Team,

I have recently changed by phone due to which I would need to reset my MFA otherwise I am unable to log into my account.

I found that mostly the suggestion for this issue is to send a DM to a Auth0 support member. But I am not seeing any option to send a message or get the email of a Auth0 support member from the community dashboard.

Can you please let me know how to get the MFA reset ?

Rohan Roy

Hi @rohan_rr,

Could you please send @support a direct message asking for an MFA reset?

You can refer to our Account Locked: MFA Resets Requests knowledge article for more information.


Hello @support and @rueben.tiow , I have the same issue as OP and followed your instructions to send a DM 2 days ago but have gotten no response. We have production users unable to log in to our app, please how else can I get in touch with Support??

Hi @technews,

Thanks for your message.

I noticed that one of our Community Engineers has followed up with your request. They should have already assisted you with the MFA reset request.

Please reach out to us if you need any additional help.


Yes, this has been handled by Support now, thank you!

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