Management API support for managing tenant members

Yes please, we need that.


Q42023 is halfway over. I don’t see any reference to Tenant Members in the Management API docs.
What is the status of this?

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+1 This feature would be really useful


Yes, the APIs to manage the tenant members and also having them available via the Terraform provider would be very nice.

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I was really surprised that this feature doesn’t exist yet.

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API is the first thing that is generally made available in this age of Automation. I wondered Auth0 doesn’t have API to manage the tenant members. Hope Okta will start focussing on these gaps with the platform

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We also need this feature to integrate with Vanta for certification reasons.


+1 It’s crazy that this doesn’t exist yet. It has been an open request for over 2 years.

I am able to automate the capture of audit data for every other app in our org that I need to, except for this one. So sad. :frowning_face:

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+1 this is critical for compliances.

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Is there an updated ETA for when this feature will be available?

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Someone from Auth0 reached out and said this functionality is available in their new Teams feature.

Blog post


The new functionality available in teams doesn’t solve the issue.

We still have no way to automate tenant membership provisioning.

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Is this available yet? This is currently a pain to manage manually for our organization

+1, surprised this is not available yet. Super painful doing all this manually.

Wow, here we still are, 2+ years laters. It’s really going to be worth it switching provider, plenty of much more efficient tools out there