Hi, I am using Auth0 management API to create users, and now it returned 409 Conflict for creating users but I can’t find it in any way. Trying to create the same user from Auth0’s dashboard gave the same error. So, it seems Auth0 thinks the user exist but I can’t find it in the users, both searching for name, email. May there be something wrong in Auth0’s DB indexes?
Here is the user email I am trying to create “admintest@gmail.com” and I am getting bellow exception with message “user is already exist”
Exception - at Auth0.Core.Http.ApiConnection.HandleErrors(HttpResponseMessage response) at Auth0.Core.Http.ApiConnection.RunAsync[T](String resource, HttpMethod httpMethod, Object body, IDictionary2 urlSegments, IDictionary
2 queryStrings, IDictionary2 parameters, IDictionary
2 headers, IList1 fileParameters, JsonConverter[] converters) at Auth0.Core.Http.ApiConnection.PostAsync[T](String resource, Object body, IDictionary
2 parameters, IList1 fileParameters, IDictionary
2 urlSegments, IDictionary2 headers, IDictionary
2 queryStrings)
I need to understand what’s happening…
Hi @vijay.tanavade and thanks for reaching out!
Have you tried to search said user ‘admintest@gmail.com’ using the ‘Search Users’ endpoint to confirm this user exists? I’m also curious if you’ve attempted to delete this user and then tried creating them again? If you’ve attempted those endpoints and are still not getting any more details concerning this user, would you mind sending me your tenant info in a DM so I can have a look at your logs/users?
Best Regards,
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Thanks @colin.coutts. I am able to fix my issue.
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Can you share with the rest of community how you solved it @vijay.tanavade? That would be helpful for everyone
@vijay.tanavade I am facing same problem. What was the issue?
Same problem for me. Cant find user that exists. When trying to create it fails.
We are also having the same issue. May I know how it is resolved?
If you are using custom database authentication, you might have an order of operations issue. We had this because we were creating a user in our DB first and then trying to create the Auth0 user. Auth0 then called out to verify the user email in our DB and it already existed.
Check Monitoring >> Logs in the Auth0 portal to see what connection is used and for more information on the failure.
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