Login popup or page gets blank after Login

Sometimes, after users enter their email and password on the Login popup and click “Login,” the popup or page may unexpectedly go blank. The expected behavior is for the page to redirect back to the specified URL.

Hi @AmitQilin

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question, can you share with me more details? Do you have maybe steps to reproduce this issue or logs from the Auth0 Dashboard?


At times, when attempting to log in to our website, https://niwe.eduley.com, using Auth0 for authentication, users may experience an unexpected issue where the page goes blank after entering their credentials and clicking “Login.” This issue occurs randomly and does not happen consistently with every login attempt.

Here’s the image of popup getting stuck

And when i reload the popup its shows me something went wrong page with my branding logo.

Hi @AmitQilin

I’ve checked your tenant logs, and there are multiple error that can cause this issue. Are you able to timestamp moment when this error occurs? It would help to investigate the root of your issue.


Hi @dawid.matuszczyk
Yes, can you check on 5 May between 12.15 - 12.31 IST

Hi @AmitQilin

Thank you for the response; for your plan, Auth0 only saves logs from the last 24 hours. Are you able to reproduce this issue and ping me?


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Hi @AmitQilin

I’m going to close this case for now, so feel free to open up this thread or a new one when you have more questions.


Hi @dawid.matuszczyk

We have replicated the bug yesterday on 3:19 IST

This is how the page looks when we reload the blank page/popup


Hi @AmitQilin

Thank you for an update! I’ve checked your screenshot and tenant settings, and there can be an issue with a default login route at the tenant level. We have a great knowledge solution that deeply explains the causes of the issue and how to solve it:

I hope this will help you!

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