List blocked users and reasons for block

I’m investigating setting up an admin dashboard for out SSO application… I’m having a hard time finding the following in the docs:

  1. How can I get a list blocked users in a particular tenant?
  2. How can I get the reason those users are blocked?
  3. Once identified, how can I trigger unblocking via a password reset?
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Hi @rhuber ,

Welcome to Auth0 Community!

1. How can I get a list blocked users in a particular tenant?

In the Management API, we can retrieve the list of blocked users with q: blocked=true.

2. How can I get the reason those users are blocked?
Unfortunately, we can not get the reasons. If you would like to see this feature in the future release, please create a feedback here.

3. Once identified, how can I trigger unblocking via a password reset?
I am still looking into this and will keep you updated once having the details. Meantime, let’s see if anyone else can help with this query.