Get a list of users blocked by bruteforce

Are there any plans to allow a list of user who have been blocked by bruteforce to be searched for/retrieved using the management API?

I have a user management page for administrators within my application which shows a summary of user details including block status (obtained using the GET /api/v2/users).

However this doesn’t seem to include details of users blocked by bruteforce. I know I can check a users block status individually but I would prefer not to do this because it will cause rate limiting issues.

It would be useful for an administrator to see at a glance if any accounts are potentially being attacked. I guess an alternative would be to setup a service to watch the Auth0 logs and send an alert to an administrator instead.

Apologies if I have missed something obvious.



Hello, Peter!

Unfortunately, this feature is not yet available in Auth0.

We recommend that you reach out to our Product team directly by going to Auth0: Secure access for everyone. But not just anyone. so they can take this in consideration for future improvements.

Thank you!


Hi Sonich,

Any update / news about this feature?


Hi all,

Please check out our Get a List of Brute Force Blocked Users FAQ on this!


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