Limitations of updating User Profile Details of Linked Accounts

Context: this post is in relation to the PATCH: User endpoint

Scenario: The user would like to update the Email and Phone Number on their account.

Given the following user (regular Username-Password-Authentication) with several identities (linked passwordless sms and email).

  "email": "",
  "email_verified": false,
  "identities": [
      "user_id": "63f2c846a92d45e16d7c9c48",
      "provider": "auth0",
      "connection": "Username-Password-Authentication",
      "isSocial": false
      "profileData": {
        "phone_number": "+61499999999",
        "phone_verified": false,
        "name": "+61499999999"
      "user_id": "63f2cb8e262b779598ba5d94",
      "provider": "sms",
      "connection": "sms",
      "isSocial": false
      "profileData": {
        "email": "",
        "email_verified": false
      "user_id": "63f2ccc3262b779598ddc1ef",
      "provider": "email",
      "connection": "email",
      "isSocial": false

This can be achieved by making an API call using the following guide: How do you update details of secondary linked accounts? - #5 by konrad.sopala

The is a limitation however on what information can actually be updated, which seems to be undocumented.

Given the following request:

 curl --location --request PATCH 'https://{DOMAIN}/api/v2/users/{PRIMARY_IDENTITY_ID}' \ 
 --header 'Authorization: Bearer ' \ 
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 --data-raw '{
   "phone_number": "{NEW_PHONE_NUMBER}"
   "name": "{THIS_IS_A_TEST}"
   "connection": "sms"

This will actually result in the following error:

{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"The following user attributes cannot be updated: name. The specified connection (sms) belongs to a secondary identity.","errorCode":"operation_not_supported"}

Omitting the name parameter, as the error suggests yields a successful response but the data will look like the following:

"profileData": {
  "phone_number": "{NEW_PHONE_NUMBER}",
  "phone_verified": false,
  "name": "+61499999999" <--- what is the point of this?

Here are my questions:

  1. What is the reason the name field is retained? When linking a “Username-Password-Authentication” account with an sms connection why is this field here when it can’t be changed?
  2. During the linking process can this field be nullified so it doesn’t exist and I won’t need to worry about it.
  3. Can we get a comprehensive list of attributes which can be modified on linked secondary account.
