How do you update details of secondary linked accounts?

We have users who have multiple accounts linked (SMS passwordless, email passwordless, username/password, etc).

We have an admin UI which will allow admin users to update the mobile number of a user.

Using the ManagementAPi, I can see I can easily update the mobile number of a SMS passwordless account if it is a primary account, but how do I do this when it is a secondary account?

I did try constructing a userId myself for the secondary account to see if I could use that to do the update, but it says user not found.

Is my only option to un-link the SMS passwordless account first, update it and then re-link it?


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I’d also like an answer to this question

Hi all, has this one been solved?

I ended up having to unlink the accounts, update each as required, and then relink them again


Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community!

Hi folks, here is an update.

You can update a linked user’s data via the management API update user endpoint by passing the linked connection parameter in the body of the request.

For example:

 curl --location --request PATCH 'https://{DOMAIN}/api/v2/users/{PRIMARY_IDENTITY_ID}' \ 
 --header 'Authorization: Bearer ' \ 
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
 --data-raw '{ "phone_number":"{NEW_PHONE_NUMBER}" "connection": "sms" }'

Hope that helps!