Issue with password reset mail not being sent

There was issue identified recently where disabling your own email provider triggers all email templates to also be disabled; when you then switch again to your own provider you’ll be able to enable some of the templates through the UI switches, however, those switches are not available to all templates (the reset password being one of them). This is already being tracked to be addressed as the fact that the email template was disabled is not obvious and as such leads to these situations.

Meanwhile, you should be able to workaround this situation by manually updating the templates that have been disabled through the API endpoint. Have in mind that v2 of the Management API does not expose endpoints to update email templates so you’ll need to perform these actions through Management API v1.

After having obtained a Management API v1 access token (see the process to obtain one here) you can perform the following request to address the situation for the reset email template.


PUT https://{tenant}


Authorization: Bearer {mgt_api_v1_access_token}
Content-Type: application/json


	"disabled": false

You can perform similar request for other email templates, just update the template name in the URL (see Management API v1 docs).