Change password emails not being received

We are using Amazon SES for our custom email provider. We have a custom DB hooked up to Mongo Atlas.
Test emails sent from the Email Provider section of Branding are being received just fine.
When I send out a verification email test from the Email Templates section, it will only be received if
Status is set to Template Enabled. For both Template Enabled and Templated Disabled test emails, the logs show them as being sent successfully.

If I try to send a change password email, it will show as successfully sent in the Logs but it is never received.

Why are some email templates received and other are not? Is there something in the documentation that I missed? Is there some sort of configuration I need to do on my Amazon SES? Is there a DNS record I need to create to allow auth0 to send on my behalf? I’ve tried multiple separate email addresses and the result is the same as I described above.

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any update on this? :eyes: