I have been trialling the new one-time password email verification flow on a dev tenant. Issue is - the email Auth0 sends is the default template, rather than a custom template.
This is not a passwordless connection, just the standard database connection.
My assumption was that “Verification Email (Using Code)” would be selected for this. I can confirm that the email template has custom HTML and custom title, both of which differ from the sent template.
I note that the “Status Template Enabled” option is missing from “Verification Email (Using Code)” in this tenant.
Thank you for reaching out to us!
Apologies for the late reply, one of the limitations that you might be facing in this case is that using Custom Email Providers are required in order to send custom email templates, as outlined in this following documentation here.
For some additional steps for configuring a Custom Email Provider, please check this documentation as well, linked here.
The Status toggle not being present is not intended, so please let us know in case this issue is still persisting on your end.