Issue creating support tickets

When trying to create a new ticket, the the form never appear. In the console, the following error is shown:

POST “://main.sentry-relay.svc.cluster.local/api/102642/envelope/?sentry_key…7740e854&sentry_version=7&sentry_client=sentry.javascript.browser%2F7.11.1” net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED - fetch.ts:23

Hi @hans.hjort

Thank you for reaching out!

This issue might be related with recent incident that has been affecting some of our systems such as Manage, Support, Docs. Our Engineering team is still looking into this and we don’t yet have a clear resolution, although systems might be working intermittently and the page should show any major issues.

Let me know if this is still ongoing for you or if you can now open Support cases, we’re trying to document all instances where issues were reported.

Thank you,

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