Introduction Thread

Hi @cyrille.derche! We’re glad to have you join us!

hello, i’m a newbie in java spring and at this moment i’m playing with authentication and so arrived here at auth0 communty. hello everyone

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@peppeg85 Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Hi everyone,
I am a self-taught web developer just starting out in general, and particularly with auth0.
Wish you all a lot of luck!

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Hey there!

Glad to have you with us here!

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Hi everyone.

My name is Osman Zakir (this is what I want my name changed to officially and is also what everyone calls me, but my legal name is Sami Zakir). I’m a computer science student who learned on’s Introduction to Computer Science course by Harvard. I want to get an internship and a job as a software dev.

The reason I joined this community is because I’m trying to build a library management app for my next project, which I’m implementing as a MERN stack app, and I want to use Auth0 for use authentication; I also wanted to ask how to customize a user’s profile page after they’ve logged so that I can show a list of all the books they currently have checked out but haven’t returned yet, and maybe include a note about any overdue book(s). [I’ll open a new question thread for this, if someone else hasn’t already asked a similar question before, so you guys don’t have to answer this here.]

I like React, TypeScript, Node and Express, but I also like C++ and Python. One of my hopes is for C++ to become more web ready and popular as a backend development language choice.

I look forward to being part of this community and although I can’t promise I’ll be able to contribute much, if anything at all, I’ll try to do what I can. Like if there’s a question I can answer, I’ll do my best to answer it.

Hey there Osman! Welcome on board!

Hi I’m Victor from Nigeria. I do frontend development using React, JavaScript & TypeScript. I look forward to connecting with great minds here


Welcome @Vickstar, happy to have you here! :rocket:

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Hi there, everyone!

I am Sabrina from Amsterdam. I am an accountant, 43 years old at this time and finished a bootcamp full stack developer in June this year (Java, Spring Boot, Git, JavaScript, Ract and HTML and CSS of course).
According to the bootcamp certificate I would now be Junior Full Stack Developer, but I don’t think I can meet that level yet, as I did not practice much of it since then.
I was hoping to maybe get a traineeship after the bootcamp, but as I only wish to work from home I was always at the bottom of the pile of resumes I guess.
So I am now trying to build something I always wanted to make, and therefor I need to connect Exact Online API to Knack.
Only thing is, Exact has Oauth 2.0 with refresh tokens, and that is a bit of a challenge for me at this level, so I hope I can find the right solution here. After I can make the connection, building the rest will be very doable, so anyone that can help me out will be my hero of the year :grin:

For now, I am going to start with searching through existing topics to see if I can already find some answers that I am looking for.
I wish everyone a very good day! :heart_hands:


Welcome @Sabrina.Alivio! I hope you find what you need here :smile:


Hello, everyone!

My name is Tyrell Bain and I am a Junior Software Developer. I graduated in May 2022 with a Bachelor in Computer Science. I have been programming since 2016. My most proficient programming languages include Java, C, C#, JavaScript and TypeScript. I have worked with frameworks such as React and Angular to build web applications.

I have just recently started learning how to implement authentication into web applications. I have heard many great things about Auth0, which is why I have decided to start with this service. I am currently using it to implement authentication into our newest SPA for my job.

Thank you very much. I am excited to further learn about authentication and how to implement the latest and greatest features into future web apps with Auth0.

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Hi @tyrellb,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

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Hello to all,
I am Greene Robert a professional Sales Manager at Bugti Hub. I have been working as a sales manager for the last 4 years and can also help you with learning the best practices of how to sell.
I am also interested in digital marketing, web development, and self-growth courses, I would love to hear from you with the same interest.

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Welcome in the community Robert! Anything specific you would like to learn about Auth0?

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My name is Megan and I’m just trying to explore new things and hope to make something of it!


Hey there Megan! Great to have you on board!

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Hey everyone! Recently have been involved with Auth0 in a recent integration between Auth0 and (an opensource project I help lead). The latest Steampipe Auth0 plugin provides a SQL interface to query your Auth0 logs, roles, users, and more. We are excited to be part of the Auth0 community and look forward to Auth0 developers and integrators trying out the new plugin.


Hi @bob-bot!

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!


Previous message deleted due to SPAM reasons.

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