How to unblock a user that isn't in the user list

I have auto-migration enabled and using an API to get the user details from my DB and pass to Auth0. Unfortunately we had a problem with the API and it was giving a 500 error. After too many attempts the user has been blocked. This user does not appear in the user list. If I try to add the user manually it tells me the email is not available.

The exact error was “Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. We’ve sent you an email with instructions on how to unblock it.” No email has been received (we haven’t enabled that which is probably why).

How can I go about unblocking the user? The API also doesn’t work as I get a Bad Request with the message “Path validation error: ‘Object didn’t pass validation for format user-id: 05397BEE-7150-4E57-A7E1-9312FAD80FC3’ on property id (The user_id of the user to update).”

Welcome to the community, @JoshB2B!

Can you try unblocking the user using their email address with this management API endpoint?!/User_Blocks/delete_user_blocks

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Thanks for your fast response. Can’t believe I didn’t think of trying the email! But that worked. Out of curiosity would there have been a way to resolve this without using the API?

Glad it helped.
A user who’s yet to be imported being blocked is sort of rare, but if this happens, the API is the only way. The dashboard supports unblocking existing users only.


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