How to Sanitize a HTTP Trace File Automatically

Problem statement

This process details how customers can sanitize their HTTP Traces automatically.

Disclaimer: While Okta will attempt to identify sensitive data for you, you acknowledge that it is your responsibility, and not Okta’s, to identify sensitive data in HAR files that you want to be redacted.


  1. Navigate to the Auth0 Support Center
  2. Select Open Ticket
  3. To trigger the file sanitization, simply attach/upload the HAR file to the existing case or new case.
  4. The file is sanitized at the client side before the file is uploaded to the portal.
  5. The original trace is not uploaded prior to sanitization.
  6. Filename after sanitization and upload: <file_name>_redacted.har. You can download the redacted file if you want to inspect it.
  7. Do not attempt to upload zipped or compressed HAR files because those files will not trigger the sanitization. Only .har files are processed.

NOTE: If the upload is not successful, please see Sanitizing HTTP Traces as you will need to manually redact the HTTP trace and try again. Potentially retake the HTTP trace and retry the upload.

NOTE: Do not email HTTP traces as there is no automatic sanitization of files using email. The email attachment will not be blocked.

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