How to invite tenant admins to a private tenant?

I tried inviting a dashboard admin to my private instance. But when they clicked on the invite link, they were redirected to the login page (no signup tab). What credentials would they use? Any credential was ofcourse giving them “Wrong email or password”.

Hey there!

That’s weird. Can you ask this person to signup to Auth0 first and then invite them as a tenant admin following this flow:

I just want to see if there’s something wrong with the flow when you invite someone to be a tenant admin and that person doesn’t have an Auth0 account. Thank you!

Hi Konrad,

I thought that too and asked the user to actuay create a simple account. After doing this, they clicked on the invite link I sent them (private tenant), and still only saw the login page. They entered their creds for the normal account they’d just created… but still unsuccessful. The error was “Wrong email or password”.


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Thanks for checking that! Let me discuss it with the team and get back to you soon! Can you send me your tenant name via private message? Thanks!