I’m using my own ui to do sign-up & sign-in,
so i currently use embedded login, but i have no idea how to integrate correctly with google-signin
I dont want to use universal login or lock, since my client don’t want to redirect the page & have their own design
but then how do i register/sync account from google-oauth to auth0 ?
so my auth0 rules will be trigger and roles-creation will be applied,
im using Login using a social provider’s access token api: /oauth/access_token
'client_id': from auth0-application
'access_token': from google-signin
'connection': 'google-oauth2',
'scope': 'openid profile email'
but the return is 404, Not Found
I Assume the step are:
- do google signin to get access-token of identity
- call
and pass access token of identity and receive access token of database - then when i want to get (for eg) userProfile, i use Bearer access token from above
now my concern also how to async the email from database with google sign-in
if I do google-signin with X@mail.com, I also still able to signup with X@mail.com , and in users i got 2 users with the same email