How customize Unblocked Account Email

Hi everyone, in my company we are trying to customize the unblocked account email template and we are having a some issues to solve this.
anyone who has been through this problem? can help us?

Hi @lbarbosa,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I understand that you are looking to customize the Blocked Account Email template.

To do so, please navigate to your Auth0 Dashboard > Branding > Email Templates and select the Blocked Account Email template to edit.

Take note that you must Configure Custom External SMTP Email Provider.

For more information, please review the Customize Blocked Account Emails documentation.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Hello @rueben.tiow
Unfortunately the options you provided did not apply to the solution in our project. What did work was adding it as blocked_account.html in the emailTemplates folder of Auth0 CLI. This made the email modify perfectly.
I found the template name here


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