Google Workspace single sign-on using Auth0 as 3rd party IdP results in error "Couldn't find your Google Account"

Problem Statement

Login fails if an SSO user doesn’t already exist in the Google Workspace, although the user exists in the third-party IdP (Auth0). If I manually create the user in Google Workspace and try to authenticate, it works and redirects to the login portal of the IdP (Auth0). And after successful input of user details, it correctly redirects to the GCP console.

It seems that Google login screen expects a user exist even if it’s an SSO user before it redirects to the IdP login portal for verification. How can I force redirecting to the IdP portal even if the user does not exist yet in the Google workspace? Is this an Auth0 setting issue?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Make sure user A does not exist in the Google Workspace
  2. Create user A in the IdP (Auth0)
  3. Try logging into the Google Cloud Platform using user A
  4. An error is presented stating: “Couldn’t find your Google Account”


Google does not provide this capability at the present point in time.


From an Auth0 perspective, there is no solution. Please contact Google Support for the current status.