Google SSO Redirect Mismatch


I just created the Google projects yesterday to use my Google Client ID & secret for the login. I entered the as authorized URL. But when I try to login, I always get an URL mismatch when trying to login over UI. Any ideas?

Best regards!

Hi @patrickbeck91

Thanks for reaching out to Auth0 Community!

Just to confirm with respect to Single Sign On (SSO) with Google. are you following this documentation Connect Your App to Google Workspace



sure I did the documentation. Like I said I also added the authorized URL but get the mismatch when clicking on the Google login button in the UI

Hi patrickbeck91,

Thanks for confirming, let me check from my side and get back to you!


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Hi patrickbeck91,

Thanks for waiting, i was trying to figure out what could be the reason for this, and also i tried to find any video / documentation present apart form auth0 docs but could find any, while researching i found out this post, please check this once and Re: Getting error redirect_uri_mismatch when using... - Google Cloud Community.
