Tried Google Social connection with the client id from GCP but get uri_redirect_mismatch

I have been using google social connection without a client id successfully. I then created a 0Auth Client 2 id through GCP to get the client id for my app. I then used the client id in Auth0 Google social connection but I now get an error 400: uri_redirect_mismatch. This is an expo app to be used in android and ios, so i set up the client id based on an android app first. I used the SHA-1 key from what i had in my google play store and the package name from my project.
I have also added to the authorised domain in app registration when setting up in GCP.
Is there a way of finding out what redirect uri is being attempted here and why its suddenly failing when i use the client id

Hi @mirzaam

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for sharing your question! I was going thru logs of the tenant associated with you Auth0 Community Account and I could find any errors or failed login attempts, does this error still occur? Can you generate failed attempts so I can check logs?


I was using the android client id and this didn’t work for me. However when I switched to using the web client id and secret it thought the same error and the error details showed me the uri that was missing. Once added the connection was established

Hi @mirzaam

Sorry for the late response. It’s great that you managed to solve your issue. Feel free to ask more questions.


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