Feature Request: Use common variables in Email Domains for the email template `From` field

Feature: Use common variables in every part of the From field in a email template.

Description: On the email templates page, I believe for every template, there is a From field.
The existing syntax allows us to do something like
noreply+{{ application.name }}-<email-verification@some.domain.com>

We can use common variables within a prefix for the email . But the value inside the <> must be a complete email on it’s own using no variables.

I would like to be able to use variables within this part of the email, imagine
noreply+{{ application.name }}-<email-verification@some.{{ application.client_metadata.application_specific_domain }}.com>

I would also like to be able to use a variable for the entire field, for example just
{{ application.client_metadata.application_specific_email }}

Use-case: We have users that access many of our applications on the same tenant, with different accounts for each. We are implementing self sign up, and we want all emails from each application to be easily searchable by looking for the hostname from our pages url as the email domain.

Since we are using multiple templates, each of which we want to have different email prefixes, there is not a complete email address which we could use to identify all emails from a single application, thus we want to be able vary the domain per application.

Hi @spencer.perkins

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for taking the time to write this feedback!

Best regards!

+1 for this request - in our case we have multiple applications using the same database of users and each application/brand needs a different email address in the from field

Looks like this was actually requested way back in 2020 (post #54883)