Facing issue in login while connecting with Google

What should I have to share with you sir in order to get my problem solved?

@peter.fernandez sir I request pls reply and help :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @sultan.mohd2023 :wave:

My apologies for the delayed response; some unrelated work matters have taken my attention these last couple of days.

What should I have to share with you sir in order to get my problem solved?

Possible causes for "Unable to issue redirect for OAuth 2.0 transaction"? shows a great example of the code shared in order to help solve the problem. In a similar fashion, sharing your call to Auth0 would be great; thank you :smiley:

As I mentioned previously, just be sure to redact anything of a security or sensitive nature in whatever you share - like a secret or personal email - before posting :sunglasses:

export default Auth0ProviderWithNavigate;

Is this the thing you want sir?

Perfect; thanks @sultan.mohd2023 :sunglasses:

So there are two things you should review:

  1. It looks like your value for authorizationParams may be incorrect. If you check the latest Auth0 React SDK documentation here, you’ll see that your redirect_Uri parameter should actually be redirect_uri - as in the uppercase “U” should be a lowercase one. This was actually the problem experienced in one of the previous issues I shared (i.e. Help: server_error: Unable to issue redirect for OAuth 2.0 transaction - #5 by drew.daniels)

  2. If the problem persists, then double-check the value for redirectUri. This should be a properly formatted URL, as in something like http://localhost:3000

Hi @peter.fernandez sir, thank you so much sir for this. This is superb from you sir. You solved my problem. Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much sir. Appreciate your efforts sir. Finally this one word taken my all time :rofl:.
Thanks sir. It worked

Glad to hear you’ve got it fixed @sultan.mohd2023 :sunglasses:

Best of luck with the rest of your journey :hugs:

Thank you so much sir :blush:

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