I’ve setup an API, a SPA client, and trying to user auth0.js with authorize():
var webAuth = new auth0.WebAuth({
domain: 'mydomain',
clientID: 'mySPAclientId',
audience: 'myAPIaudience',
responseType: 'token',
redirectUrl: 'anURIsetInClientAsAllowedCallback'
I am redirected to the hosted login page, I enter my email/password credentials and I am redirected back to my redirectUri, but the hash part contains an error:
I am not sure what can be the cause of this.
As a side question, after login I am asked consent for my API, even if the client is marked as first party. I’ve been told that may happen when using localhost, but in my case I am using my local domain and not localhost. This part is not really clear to me.