Evaluation accounts for continuous testing

Hi Team,

I’m referring to an older post but decided to start a new thread to get some traction.

We have around 30ish UI E2E tests in the pipeline. We follow a test practice that each test should maintain its test data. That means every test creates and tears down all the assets, including users.

The challenge is that each user logs in once and never again. Due to the Auth0 pricing plan, we are being charged for these users. We calculated that we spend over $30,000 a year to maintain tests.

I was wondering if there is an option for us to have some free tier of test accounts? Or if you could charge starting from the second login?


Hi @przemek.sech,

Welcome to the Community! Thanks for starting a new thread :smile:

The user limit is monthly active users (MAUs). If they are inactive (haven’t logged in the month) then they won’t count towards your total. This may or may not solve the issue, depending on how your tests are set up.

You can also have a testing tenant, many customers will have a prod tenant and a dev tenant.

Does this help?

Thank you for the response @dan.woda. I’ll investigate the test tenant option.

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Sounds good, let us know if you have any other questions.

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