Email Verification is Required when Email is Already Verified for Auth0 Account


When trying to Add new Team Member, or when trying to perform any other similar administrative action, Auth0 is asking to verify the email address.

After clicking the Send Email button, a popup appears with the message:

Error! There was a problem sending the verification email: The email is already verified.


This issue happens when the browser does not fetch any new data, and uses the previously cached page. This can be observed when the “The email is already verified” error pops up even though it’s asking to verify the email address.


To get past this issue, either:

  • Clear the cache, session, and cookies for Auth0.
  • Move over to an incognito window or a new browser session.

Doing so will force the website to fetch new data instead of using the cached data. There will no longer be a prompt to verify the email address, and Auth0 will offer full administrative access to the Team Members and other configurations.