Domain verification for google sign in app

Hi! When creating a social connection app with google (following this guide I found that in order for app to be verified, I need “All domains verified in Google Search Console”. The domain I’m using is “” and redirect URL is “”. How do I verify ownership of them?

Hi @bayuser,

To help understand the issue, would you mind sharing a screenshot (sensitive data removed) or docs reference where you are seeing the error or requirement for verifying the domain?

After following the guide, do the settings for your Google OAuth credentials look like this?:

Yes it does look like it
Quoting the documentation:

If your application requests sensitive OAuth scopes or uses a custom image, Google will limit it to 100 logins until the OAuth consent screen is verified

I’m using a custom image

That makes sense! I believe in this case you’d need to set up a Custom Domain since verifying the consent screen requires domain verification. I am confirming this with my team and will let you know.

I have received confirmation that a Custom Domain would be required to verify the domain in this case.

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