Dashboard Data is inaccurate

Hi everyone, the number of signups displayed in the Auth0 dashboard activity does not seem to be accurate. In my database, I see that the number of user signups is two-three times at least what Auth0 indicates. Why might this be? All the users in my database were also created in Auth0.
E.g, 100 new users were created yesterday according to my DB (using email-password or SSO such as google, facebook), and just 40 appears in the dashboard signup data.

Hi @MAW1,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

The Activity Page on the Dashboard will not show live data. Instead, it will periodically update the data each day taking roughly 12-24 hours for the data to display. This is mentioned in our About the Activity Page documentation.

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6 days have passed since then and it’s still the same number with a big difference with our database. (Auth0: 42, our database: 152)

Hi @MAW1,

Thanks for following up.

Could you please provide a screenshot of what you see? And if possible, could you also share your tenant name in a direct message with me?


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