Customizing Password Reset Tooltip

Hi everyone!

I’m currently customizing the default password reset page in Auth0 Universal Login. I have customized the widget and eliminated some elements that are not necessary for my UI design. I want to also customize another item. By default, there’s a tool-tip that appears above the password input field, showing a list of password requirements that dynamically change (from red to green) as the user fulfills them.

I’d like to modify the location and structure of the tool-tip so that instead of appearing above the input as a list, it appears just below the confirm password field as a single sentence consisting of comma-separated requirements. I want to present a more compact message that aligns with other pages and looks something like this:

The password should contain at least one lower case letter, one capital letter, one number, and one special character.

My questions are:

  • Is it safe to customize this tool-tip? In other words, can I safely change its location and format without affecting the underlying password validation logic or compromising usability?

  • What’s the best approach to customize this tool-tip while ensuring that I don’t break any functionality?

I’d appreciate any guidance or best practices.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @Leo10

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

Unfortunately, you are unable to disable/hide or move the password tooltip visible on the signup/change password page.

One way to implement what you are looking for would be to disable the Password Strength option from the database you are using and implement a custom tooltip by using Partials via our Management API. However, this approach can be tedious since you would need to implement your own logic to check the password’s strength during sign-up or via a Post Login Action. You can read more about Partials and Prompts in our documentation.
Otherwise, we do not recommend to change/format the tooltip, especially since we do not offer any other direct customizations other than the ones provided through the Dashboard.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a reply on the post.

Kind Regards,