Customize login screen without going live with the changes

I am trying to add a simple footer to the New Universal Login screen. It seems like to do that I have to write some custom HTML. Which is fine, I can do that. Following along this guide here:

What seems crazy is that the minute I click on the toggle to “Customize Login Page”, the custom HTML is immediately live to my customers. But if I don’t click on the toggle, I can’t edit the HTML and preview what it will look like. How am I supposed to get the custom code right if I can’t test in a preview environment? It’s untenable to turn off my current login flow while I’m working on this.

Any advice?

Hi @will6,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

First, let me clarify that when you enable the “Customize Login Page” toggle, you should see a warning banner telling you that it will override the New Universal Login experience with the Classic Universal Login experience.

Therefore, if you would like to make changes to the New Universal Login screen, you must not toggle on the “Customize Login Page” and customize the HTML page using the Page templates API.

Finally, I recommend creating another tenant for testing the New Universal Login pages so that it does not interfere with your production tenant. This would be the best way to preview the page without any impact.


With every other type of change to my universal login page I can preview the change before I save it. That lets me see what I’m about to change before hitting save. However, the “Customize Login Page” doesn’t act this way, which is frustrating.

I don’t want to have to setup another tenant to preview these changes. Frustrating that that seems to be my only option here.

And even if I do setup another tenant, there’s no way to avoid outages on my production tenant. Because once I click the toggle, it is live immediately. I can have a short outage by quickly copying my desired code into the customize page, but it is still an outage and that’s frustrating as an app owner.

Wait, so reading this again, this is even crazier. You don’t have a way to update the New Universal Login from the site?? I exclusively have to use the API?

Hi @will6,

Thanks for following up.

Let me clarify that there are 2 options for using the Universal login experience, namely:

  1. The New Universal Login Experience
  2. The Classic Universal Login Experience.

To use the New Universal Login experience, you must disable the Customize Login Page as it is meant only for the Classic Universal Login experience.

Just to reiterate, if you enable this switch, you will override your New Universal Login experience with the Classic Universal Login experience.

See New Universal Login vs. Classic Universal Login.

From what I gathered from your tenant, you have configured the New Universal Login experience, which you can edit either with the Pages Templates API as mentioned before, or with the No-Code editor on the Dashboard.

Using the No-Code editor will let you preview these changes before deploying it live.


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