Custom text for prompts doesn't seem to stick

Hi -

I am using the Management API to customize the prompt text for several of the universal login screens.

The API call returns success, but when I view the screens as I test workflow, I sometimes get the default, sometimes get my most recently updated custom text, sometimes I get previous custom text, and so on into madness.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a propagation time I should consider?

Thank you for your support.

Hey there let me research that!

Can you let me know what endpoint exactly do you use?


I did further testing, might be a propagation issue? Could take some time to get the new custom text out to the edges. Just a thought.

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Will relay that to the appropriate team

Thank you. It’s definitely frustrating thinking that prompts were changed, and seeing them pop up again later with the old content.

So it seems like the change of the text should be immediate when using that endpoint BUT you need to start the login flow again (if you refresh the current page, you won’t see the new texts).

Ok. It could be testing madness that made me see previous changes undone after a week or so. Thank you.

No worries! We’re here for you!

You know - I just ran through the workflow, and I got to the password update screen, and it was the default text. Is there a way I can capture the process and share it and see if I’m doing something odd? Thanks.

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